Consistency Amid Crisis

Is it too late

Is it too late?

This is a question we often ask ourselves. The truth is this question often comes from a place of fear. Fear of missing out. Fear of what people will think. Fear of change. Fear of deadlines. Fear of the unknown.

In the last couple years, Mt. Lebanon has encountered so many parents who have been conditioned to make decisions based on fear. Earlier this year, we had a conversation with Ms. Yancey, parent of Brandon (7th grade), who enrolled him in the 21-22 school year. She was ready to be done being afraid.

“I was just so tired of sitting back and watching him get...behind, nobody seemed to care any more…just letting him fall through the cracks. I could see him shutting down a lot. I had to be the teacher because all he was getting was pacifying work at school. I was afraid he would never catch up.

"I’m just thrilled with Mt. Lebanon…Brandon is getting to be my Brandon again. We just needed to team up and do a little at a time, stay in touch. You don’t allow him to falter. He has to do the work. I had no idea the special needs program existed…Oh my goodness the tears that ran down my face when I found out he was able to be part of it and then seeing the progress…it’s amazing.”

She needed a school that would not just say every child can succeed but would do the small things every day to help every child succeed. She needed a school that would proclaim every day to her son that he is an heir of eternity, loved and saved by Jesus so he can become a disciple of Christ and a servant leader in the community. These transformations do not happen overnight. They happen just like this - in small steps - small moments. It’s never too late for the Gospel of Jesus, and it’s never too late for us to share it.